Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It started as raid on leaders but we were INFECTED... After re-killing Valen we felt the hunger and formed a 40 man zombie raid to Stormwind and then ironforge
Add Image(ui was being buggy so was partially disabled)

Storming Stormwind

(excuse the UI was not set up)

Friday, October 17, 2008

A reminder why I hate WSG

Joined a WSG... It had aparently been going for 9hrs

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Did [Insert Class here] loot drop last night?

We've all heard this question asked from that guy who was left out of the raid...

Penny Arcade take the Diplomatic approach (I prefer the direct):

(Classic Penny Arcade)

Monday, September 8, 2008

WAR Open beta

Some world pvp pictures from a Magus and Zealot POV.  

This should give you an idea of the kind of outdoor battles you can experience in Warhammer Online